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精彩報告 | 排課團隊如何更好地支持智慧校園——莫納什大學案例

發布時間: 2018-11-22 14:50:59   作者:賽昂科技   來源: 本站原創  

Wilna Joubert

(莫納什大學  學生排課服務&教育業務服務 副主任)

Thank you so much for letting me share alittle bit about Australia, a little bit about my university Monash that youjust heard about, to give you a little bit of different view of smart campus,my view of smart campus. My role is the associate director of timetabling inMonash University, I want to share with you how we support a smart campus atMonash University.

On the slide, on the right-hand side, thatphoto that you see that is one of the uniquespaces for our student, the informal social spaces where student can go. Weencourage them to use that space to stay with their friends and learn, gothrough their work. This is one of the spaces in the new building that wasopened, it was completed in November 2017, so only last year the first timethat we scheduled classes into that room. This building is being rewarded in certified a 5 Star Green Star forsustainability and received awards for Interior Architecture and EducationalArchitecture.


我是莫納什大學排課服務、學生&教育業務服務部的副主任Wilna Joubert, 我想與大家分享排課團隊如何支持莫納什大學智能校園




A little bit about Monash university, thenumber of student, at the moment about 77,000 students, the 73,800 on thisslide is 2016 statistic. We have 60% of our students from Australia, 26% areinternational students,

Our strategic plan is called “Focus Monash.”The strategic plan was set up for 2016 to 2020. Our student to staff ration is22:1.


我們的戰略計劃稱為“Focus Monash”,戰略計劃是為2016年至2020年制定的。我們的學生與員工的比例為221


Monash university has a presence on 4continents, of which including China, Malaysia, and India, we also have a presencein Prato in Italia, we have acampus in south Africa, so in additional to be in Australia.

On the left that you can see the map of Australia,and where we are located in Victoria. In the middle this big map here that’s aview of Melbourne,it shows where the campuses are, weget 4 campuses, over 900 teaching locations we are scheduling into, with that34,000 classes we are scheduling every year.



What is a smart campus?

We know Universities are changing. Ourbuildings, our technologies, educational services are all integrated, newtechnologies changes our students expects and new way of learning, our teachersmust teach in different way.

We have the latest technology, and thisinclude interactive classrooms. As I mentioned to you before, our teachingspaces have difference types of learning, so we look at interact space, socialspaces, where our student can come together, encourage student interaction andlearning.

On this picture we look how we use ourspaces, how we schedule, how we use new technology that available, how weprovide that social leaning interaction for the student, and a timetabling teamhow we implement that.

What is our timetabling team’s role increating the smart campus?








TheVirtual Classroom and Virtual Learning

Our aim isto reduce the number of classes that were repeated, so for a lecture, we try tonot repeat to schedule a physical class, but we have also options for studentsthat they can have live streaming option, or they can look at the recordedclasses.

Thetimetabling team schedules this interactive classes without locations, we givethe student the options, to come and sit, I will choose the live streamingoption, I will not come to a classroom.






MoVEstands for Monash Virtual Environment

This is a new way for students to accessthe specialized software and applications they need to complete their studies,we make this available to student on their own devices, they can access thesoftware anytime, anywhere, and no additional cost to the student.

Still have physical spaces classrooms, that are dedicatedcompute life where we have to have specialist computer in that, we can’t makethis technology available to students on their own laptops.

Student cansit at home, they can sit outside with their friends, they can sit at one ofthe social spaces, and they can use the software on their own devices to dotheir assessment, their assignment and to learn.

What’s thetimetabling team’s role in this? The timetabling team now can schedule theclasses into standard flat floor rooms with tables andchairs, we no longer need the computer labs, we no longer need to buy theequipment to go into those computer labs.





什麼是排課團隊的角色? 排課團隊可以将課程安排到普通教室,我們不再需要計算機實驗室,我們不再需要為計算機實驗室購買設備。


We havegot the Specialist Teaching Spaces

This roomis part of the new building that I have mentioned. Thisroom is referred to as ‘learning in the round’. It’s unique in design, this wasdesigned by one of our professors, and his version was to say that the studentcan sit in groups that close to the professor teaching the class, they caninteract, they can use every single space in that room for learning purposes.

Students can write on these tables, thewriteable surfaces, you see this is 360 degree all around the room, so it’s around-room. There are white walls and you will see the students standing at theback and writing on the white walls.

That encourage the interaction betweenstudents and to share ideas. And it’s a new leaning environment for students.

The students or the teachers can at anytime go to any of those whiteboards, and to use the technology. You push abutton and the camera zoom to where you are, so you tell the camera this iswhere I am, and projects what is on the whiteboards on that big TV.

What does timetabling team do, how do theyschedule in this room?  this room canonly be used by academic staff that have been trained and have been developed,and designed the material, what they delivery and how they teach students inthis specific way. The timetabling team makes sure that classes going to thespaces are the great classes, we can’t put anything just any type of class intothis room, so we have to be sure that we schedule the right type of spaces.








OptimalUtilisation of Space.

Thetimetabling team is responsible for scheduling classes in every space atcampus, so we are also responsible for optimal uses of spaces.

Thosegraphs on the left top, we can see how many classes we are teaching, how manyhours of teaching do we have. For each of campuses, for each of faculties, sowe can report that information.

The graphon the bottom shows us the number of hours that we are using our teachingspaces, this is the view of almost 4 years, we can see through those graphswhere we have availability , where we can teach more, where we can use thespace for events, we can highlight that out, so we can see what utilisation ofour space.

On thatside we can also look at and we know timetabling , we have the information weknow where our students are, we know when they are in whose spaces, in this specific view we can look at students finishing their classes after6:00 p.m., so we can inform security where our students are for their ownsafety, we know for a retailer, a food outlets how many students are on campus, how many do we have to providefor.

All this information comes out of thetimetabling system that we use.







How dowe ensure space is used optimally?

For us thetimetabling is the data quality, the quality of information that we collect isvery important. It tells the system where we can sit,how we can schedule the classes, where our availability is, where our studentswill have classes. 

The software we used is very specialized,very sophisticated, andit helps us by using this functionality we can schedule timetabling automatic,stay booking into rooms. We don’t plan timetables in excel or paper, we do itall through the software that we have.

As you seefrom the reports that I have shown you before, we monitor the timetablefrequently, we look at do we have enough spaces for our students, can everystudent attend the class, other opinions for Virtual-learning, also do we havetoo many classes scheduled, can we cancel some?


對我們來說,課程表既是數據質量,我們收集的信息質量非常重要。 它告訴系統我們可以在哪裡,如何編排課程,可用性如何,學生将在哪裡上課。

我們使用的軟件非常專業,非常精準,通過這個軟件可以自動編排時間表,預定教室。 我們不用excel或紙來制作課程表,我們通過我們使用的軟件完成所有工作。



So I amgoing to tell you about timetabling team, how do we do this? How is thetimetabling team structured?

We have alarge team, we have about 15 people in our team,

We haveadopted the scrum method of the Agile framework, you may be familiar aboutAgile which is used for the software development,

And we alsoadapted the way it works, we adapted the Agile to the day to day operations oftimetabling team.

It isdesigned for teams between 3 and 9 people, we have 3 teams, they choose thename for their team, you can see we got the Simpsons, the Snow White, and theCars.  We have 2 teams of 6 people, 1team of 3 people.

We breakour work into a 2-week period, so every 2-week we plan what we do for the next2 weeks, what is coming up, taking the consideration where we need to schedulefor our campus, so these 2-week period is called “Sprints”.

Every 8 –12 weeks we get together and we do a planning session, called PI planning,which stands for a Program Increment Planning (PI), so we bring everyonetogether we look at the works that coming up and we break it down in detailtasks,  and we take this is how we aregoing to schedule, this is how we are going to divide the work and what we aregoing to do.

We have auniversity approved timeline forscheduling a timetable for every semester, this timeline is shaped for academicstaffs, and we go through every phase, we get data collection, check out data,prepare for scheduling, draft timetable, and this timeline is what we used whenwe do our planning for the team.

We have a daily stand-up, so every day the teamcomes together and stand in front of the wall, and they say the tasks that theyhave to do for the day, they see what’s coming up, what information do we needto collect, how do we make sure that we schedule the correct classes, when dowe schedule those classes, who do we need to talk to for that.The teamcomes and stands in front of the wall, they look at their tasks, and they canmove that task from planned to in progress, to completed. That is a scheduleddaily meeting that the team has. At the end of the 2-week, we have feedbacksession, we ask the team what we worked, what we have to change, so we havethat feedback session with the team.

The benefitof using and doing this way, the visibility of what every person in the teamdoes, also a sense of progress, so every team member knows that they are making progress, they actually achievesome, and we also give some opportunity to give us feedback, so we encourage the continuous improvement within theteam.









我們有一個學校批準的時間線來安排每個學期的課程表工作,這個時間線是為學校員工準備的,我們詳細檢查每個階段,收集數據,檢查數據, 起草課程表,我們通過這個時間線來規劃團隊工作計劃。




The tools we use in our team.

We useConfluence as our document management system, so every single process is documented, which spaces are specific spaces, who do we needto contact, what type of classes can be scheduled into those spaces.

We use slack as the team chat tool, so theteam use the slack on the daily basis, instead of sending each other emails,the team use slack on which we can put messages who is working on this, I havea problem with this, who do I contact to get this information from, this alsoprovides and encourages that cooperation in teamwork within the team.

We use salesforce for our enquirymanagement, any staff members that want to make change to a timetable willsubmit that through salesforce, every student that has enquiry about thetimetable will submit that through salesforce, and our team manage all thoseenquiries response to everyone.

Then we have a range of Scientia productswe use for that whole process timeline, we collect information, we schedule atimetable, we make the draft develop, we adjust timetable, we publish the timetable and then we maintain the timetable. And in Scientia products, we have atool for each of those phases we can manage and schedule our timetable.







I want to share you an interesting termcalled microservice architecture

Amicroservice architecture is defined as: A largeapplication built as a suite of modular services; and each of this module hasspecific goal, and business purpose, it’s independently deployable. That’s sotrue that the way we work in timetabling, we have, if you look at the previousslides, all the tools we used, so the big picture here that we’ve got for each,we got each application that we use, but if we deal with a little bit deeper, onthe software level, on the scheduling level, each of the modules that weuse,  have a specific business purpose, we can’t  independently update.

We look at the benefits of having themodules that we can use together, we can see the flexible and adapts to change quicklyso we want to make the change the way we collect information for scheduling, wecan do that real quickly, we can change one of our modules, to suit thebusiness requirements we have, the architecture integrates seamlessly, withthird-party system.

Configuration is flexible, easy to deployand upgrade.

So in the nature, that’s what we do inMonash University for timetabling, that’s how we support smart campus, how wesupport the change in the delivery, the change in the education design, to meetthe requirement of specialization student change needs for education.



微服務架構的定義為:作為一組模塊化服務構建的大型應用程序; 并且每個模塊都有特定的目标和業務目的,它可以獨立部署。這是真實的,我們編排課程表的工作方式,如果你看過前面的幻燈片,我們使用的所有工具如圖所示。但是如果我們處理更深入到軟件級别,在編排級别,我們使用的每個模塊,都具有特定的業務目的,不能獨立更新。





And because this is what I do every day,this is my mission, timetabling, I will leave you with one question here, justone question, that is are you engaging and are you empowering your timetabling team at your campusto help you to support delivering the smart campus that you want.

Thank you so much.


